
One donor can be the cure for these two sisters

Kylie and Kimora

Kimora, 13, and Kylie, 9, are sickle cell warriors. The debilitating pain the disease causes the girls is heart wrenching to their parents. “As a parent, as a mother, no one should have to see their child suffer,” said their mom Destiny.

Sickle cell disease affects approximately 100,000 people in the United States and 1 in 343 Black American children are born with the disease. The only known cure is a bone marrow transplant.

In a truly unique situation, it would only take the power of one donor’s blood to be the cure that Kylie and Kimora need to live happy, healthy, and pain-free lives.

“We are in this position to wait for our donor so that we can live a life beyond disease,” said Destiny.

Kimora, from the hospital enduring more treatment said: “I just really want to get this bone marrow transplant so that I can live life to the fullest.”

Give Kylie and Kimora hope of a second chance at life. Swab to save a life.

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