Make Change at Any Age

For Students

Know Your Worth

With powerful voices and passionate minds, young people are set to lead the charge against blood cancer. They’re the most in-demand donors and hold the keys to getting their peers on board. The minimum age to register and donate is 18, but there’s plenty of work to be done before then.

Whether you’re a mission-driven teen, educator, or parent, we’re here to help you start a movement wherever you are.

Host a donor drive
Gather a group of volunteers from your favorite club, sports team, class, and other school groups together to plan a donor drive in your community. Reach out to plan your perfect drive.
Register as a donor (18+)
You could be someone’s second chance at life and all it takes is a cheek swab.
Spread the word
Put up posters around your school to grab students’ attention and kickstart conversations. Get in touch to request materials and brainstorm how to use them.

For Parents

Show Your Support:

Encourage your teen’s work with DKMS, which could prove to be a character- and resume-building experience. We can advise you on how to best support them.

Stay Educated:

As your teen takes up the fight against blood cancer, learn alongside them about the matching and donation process and the donor experience.

“My daughter’s drive to educate and register 18-year olds as potential donors gave her the opportunity and confidence with public speaking, leadership experience, and most of all, a deep fulfilling sense of making a true difference in the lives of others. By registering potential donors she was able to pay it forward with hopes that her work would benefit patients and their families in the future.”

-Karen, mother of a high school volunteer

“I would tell other parents that if they are lucky enough to have a strong, healthy child, to support their desire to donate. The medical care that DKMS provided to my daughter was superior. It was a great comfort to me to know that she was in good hands every step of the way; I started to get the feeling that what she was doing was bigger than all of us, that somehow it was meant to be. I hope there are more young people in the world like her.”

–Pamela, mother of a donor

Start a club
Take the lead in creating a club that focuses on raising awareness, fundraising, and registering new donors. We can help you get the ball rolling right away.
Get in touch
Join our fight against blood cancer!
Real Stories, Real Impact: See How Students Are Changing Lives
Every donor has a story. Discover how their simple acts of kindness made a life-saving difference.

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More ways to help
You can support DKMS in many ways and give hope to more blood cancer and blood disorder patients.