Be a True Lifesaver

True Haden dkms

True is a beautiful, happy, and resilient 7-month-old faced with an extremely rare blood disease: Congenital amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia (CAMT). This disease causes bone marrow failure and puts her life at risk. A bone marrow transplant is her only hope.

Due to the extreme nature of her condition, True is categorized as “emergency transplant” and doctors have informed her family that she will likely not live past the age of 3 if her matching donor is not found.

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To treat CAMT, True is currently receiving platelet transfusions two times a week but doctors have said it is only a matter of time before her body begins rejecting the platelets.

True’s mixed heritage makes her chances of finding a match even more challenging. She is Black, Indian, Caucasian, and Puerto Rican, and all of these ethnicities are underrepresented in the global donor pool.

“True is a very happy baby. She laughs a lot and bounces back quickly from all the needle pokes.”

More ways to help
You can support DKMS in many ways and give hope to more blood cancer and blood disorder patients.