Digital Toolkit

DKMS volunteer smiling while sitting at a table with a DKMS tablecloth, DKMS registration packets, giveaways, and signs.
Thank you for joining the cause!

Every day, 17,000 blood cancer and disorder patients are in need of a transplant and 70% must look outside their family to an unrelated donor. Thank you for your efforts to add more potential lifesavers to the registry - providing more second chances for patients around the world!

This digital toolkit is here to assist you with pre-event resources, as well as tools for the day of your drive. If you have any questions during your drive, these materials are here to support you, but your drive coach will be available to answer any questions that pop up along the way.

Volunteer Training and Resources

Below are tools to help you as register potential donors. Included are the volunteer training video - for anyone who was unable to attend the training session - and PDF files of the documents contained in the registration materials mailed to you.

Volunteer Training Video

Volunteer Documents

While registering potential donors, you may find that they have a medical condition that is not listed on the registration packet. If this is the case, please consult the Medical Guidelines.

Social Media Assets

Here are some useful tools to let your family, friends, and followers know about what you are doing to raise awareness and potentially save the lives of patients suffering from blood cancer and disease. Below you will find the preview of each graphic that is contained in the downloadable zip file.

"I'm hosting a blood stem cell donor registration drive!" graphic image.
DKMS volunteers setting up a table for a drive with the phrase "volunteer with me!" overlayed
Close up of two individuals holding a DKMS registration packet with the text overlay, "Learn more about DKMS"
Potential donor swabbing their cheeks for DKMS with the text overlay "Register a FREE kit online!"
DKMS graphic image with "Don't be half a lifesaver! Return your DKMS swab kit" text

Create your own story on social media

Sharing a story on your social media is a great way to advertise your donor registration drive - both in-person and virtual. Below are a few ideas for you as you create your own. Don't forget to tag DKMS!

Hand holding a phone with a red background and white text reading, "Just one swab can give hope to thoughts of patients."
  • I am registering as a donor because……
  • I registered, will you? #DKMS
  • You can help patients to beat blood cancer.
  • Let's change the odds. It starts with a swab. Register at DKMS.
  • You can be a potential lifesaver. Learn more at DKMS.

More ways to help
You can support the DKMS in many ways and thus give new hope for life to many blood cancer patients.