On October 22nd, 2022, Maggie's and Ronald's lives intersected, marking the beginning of a transformative journey. Ronald, the man behind Maggie's lifesaving stem cell transplant, became a beacon of hope in her battle against Acute Myeloid Leukemia, diagnosed in 2020. Their heartfelt reunion, set against the backdrop of a serene ranch surrounded by family, unfolded with hugs and gratitude, a poignant celebration of life.
In the challenging months preceding her diagnosis, Maggie grappled with health issues, including misdiagnoses, skin lesions, and sore muscles. The stark reality hit on August 25, 2020, as she received confirmation of an aggressive form of blood cancer. While initial hopes rested on chemotherapy, the path to survival became clear—Maggie needed a stem cell transplant. Despite setbacks, she held onto optimism, believing her perfect donor was out there.
Ronald, unknowingly setting the stage for this life-changing connection, joined the DKMS donor pool at Western Colorado University in 2017. In April 2021, DKMS contacted him: a 10/10 match for Maggie, a 38-year-old fighting Leukemia. Without hesitation, Ronald's decision to donate became the turning point, ultimately saving Maggie's life.
Appearing on the Today Show, Maggie and Ronald shared their extraordinary journey, offering hope to countless others facing similar battles. A year and a half post-transplant, Maggie thrives, reconnecting joyfully with her children and meeting Ronald in Utah. Their emotional reunion, captured on the Today Show, resonated with viewers as Maggie thanked Ronald for giving her the chance to grow old and witness her children's milestones.
We invite you to witness this extraordinary connection by checking out the YouTube video of Maggie and Ronald's patient-donor meeting. Their story, a testament to the power of selfless acts, serves as an inspiration.
DKMS Donor Patient Finally Meet: Ron and Maggie
Their connection is only possible because of Ron’s selfless decision to register and donate when called. You can make more moments like this happen. Join us in creating more stories of hope —register today