Natasha's Knights

Natasha's Story

Hi, I’m Natasha. When I was 11, I was diagnosed with a rare life-threatening disease – Severe Aplastic Anemia. Doctors told me a bone marrow transplant could save my life, but there was no donor match for me, so my family and friends in Darnestown helped hold the first DKMS bone marrow donor drive in my name. To date three drives have added nearly 1,000 people to the donor database and three amazing lifesaving matches were found! I was healed by participating in an NIH clinical trial which continues for me but is nearly completed. I am enormously grateful for all of the support I have received. As a celebration, we are sponsoring another drive in Darnestown. Please come join the database with a simple cheek swab, and get the word out to others aged 18-55. It is an incredible thing to be part of something that is saving lives!

Make a Gift
It costs us $45 to register a new donor on the US stem cell registry. As a charity, we rely on monetary donations and funds raised by members of the public such as yourself to help cover this cost. To donate, please click the green button.

DKMS Contact Person

Amy Roseman
Donor Recruiter

Sign up for a swab kit online. It only takes 5 minutes. You provide hope. We cover the rest.