Multnomah Athletic Club Registration Drive

Register for this drive

My family and I, Jessica Meyer, have been members at the MAC for many years, whether it be basketball, climbing, tennis or group fitness - we have dabbled in just about everything! In 2014, I was in my late 30s and an avid member of the “early bird” classes - arriving at 530am for spinning and a track workout was a part of my weekly schedule. In March of that year, I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of blood cancer that required a bone marrow transplant. At my age and stage of life (our children were 7 and 4 years old at the time), this was a shock as it would be for anyone receiving this news. I was told I needed to find a match to serve as my donor for the transplant. I am part Hawaiian, which meant that the odds of finding a donor outside of my siblings was less than the 30% chance it already was; minorities represent a small portion of the registry. In amazing luck, my brother Carson was a perfect match for me and served as my donor. I am now nearly eight years from my transplant and in complete remission.

It is with unbelievable gratitude to have a donor drive at the MAC to support the 70% of people that aren’t as lucky as me to have a sibling match and must hope to find a match from the donor registry that organizations such as DKMS strive to grow and provide. I hope that if you are within the ages of 18-55 you will join the marrow registry and support this amazing organization. Did I mention it only takes 6 minutes of your time to become a potential life saver?

DKMS Contact Person

Carol Goplin
Donor Recruitment

Sign up for a swab kit online. It only takes 5 minutes. You provide hope. We cover the rest.