Keller is 9 years old. After many months of intense testing, ruling out various more common diseases, he was diagnosed with Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome. Shwachman-Diamond syndrome (SDS) is a rare, inherited bone marrow failure, characterized by a low number of white blood cells, poor growth due to difficulty absorbing food, and, in some cases, skeletal abnormalities. Kids like Keller have a much higher chance of developing myelodysplastic syndrome or leukemia.
Keller loves sports, although he can only play non-contact, due to his size and bones being fragile. He loves to swim, play with Legos, create art, and do puzzles. He is a lovable, ornery child with a huge family. Let’s show him some love!!
Keller endures blood draws every 3 months and an annual bone marrow biopsy. We pray for better results each year but we want to encourage all of you who can to sign up as a bone marrow donor. It’s free, you may save a life.
Anyone between the ages of 18-55 that are in general good health is able to register below.