Earl Young's Team

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Earl Young's Story

Earl Young’s Team started with Earl’s journey as a 1960 Olympic Gold Medalist battling an aggressive form of leukemia at the age of 70 and finding the ONE matching unrelated donor in the donor pool to give Earl a second chance at life. The foundation has the primary goal of defeating blood cancer through donor awareness. It starts with getting more people to understand the importance of getting their cheeks swabbed, followed by providing them the opportunity to do it. Since inception, Earl Young’s Team has grown to add over 22,000 new potential donors to the donor pool resulting in over 100 donors who have given second chances at life to patients, like Earl, in need of matching donors.

It starts with sharing the importance of joining the registry with a simple cheek swab, followed by the opportunity to GET SWABBED with our partner, DKMS. Take it from Earl, helping a team win an Olympic gold medal is great; helping a team save lives is even better. Thank you for joining our team!

Go to www.EarlYoungsTeam.org for more information.

DKMS Contact Person

Carol Goplin
Donor Recruitment

Sign up for a swab kit online. It only takes 5 minutes. You provide hope. We cover the rest.